Harry's Work

What I’ve Learned in Media Studies

StereotypesMacintosh HD:private:var:folders:c3:ntp2rh8n5qs0x_m9ws5xc5f9hfq_rb:T:TemporaryItems:BTS-de-Regresso-com-o-MV-Fake-Love-1.jpg
In media we have been learning about sectors, media forms and texts. 
Media Representation
Stereotypes and Counter types 
Styles of Music Video
Media Codes and Conventions 
Purpose of music videos

Secondary Research- "second-hand" research conducted by using existing primary research information (books, magazines, internet, etc.)

Qualitative Research: measuring individual opinions, attitudes, behavior and the psychology behind the choices people make example interviews and focus group in which a group of people are asked about their perceptions, opinions, beliefs and attitudes in relation to a certain product. 

Quantitative Research: to measure responses in quantifiable terms (how much, how many using numerical data examples of this are surveys, closed questions. 

A cross over genre (hybrid) is a genre in fiction that blends themes elements from two or more different genres such as pop, rock an example of this would be Avengers: Infinity War as there was more than one genre.
Quantitative Research- example is surveys

Iconography is used to describe a visual langue of genre an example of this is in horror films we always see young girls with a dark background, haunted houses, contrasting shadows, weapon and blood. 

Intertextuality- the conventions of one genre are referred to another refers to another media text a type of media such as film, television. 

What I learned about representation is about how media texts deal with and presented to gender, age and race. In addition, such as social issues, beliefs, values and attributes. Media texts have the power to shape an audience’s knowledge, understanding and everything challenged by the audience. 

In the BTS  K-POP ,Korean Dope the boys were all together dancing as a team. In addition, as the costumers the Korean band were wearing was job clothes as this relates to the lyrics about working all night . (Rap Monster), a police officer (Jungkook), an office worker (Jimin), a race car driver (J-Hope), a military officer (Suga) a private investigator (V), and a doctor (Jin), BTS has found a way to make even the most mundane roles in life seem both fun for the target audience. In addition, the background was a warehouse building.

I have learned the learned the representations of men are masculinity across media in movies are mainly popular boys that the girl fall have have strength such as muscles, power and sexual attractiveness such as a 6 pack and a nice body this is shown from the movie To All the Boys I've loved Before which is on Netflix. 
Media text in a film are hybrid genres, which means they share the conventions of more than one genre.
This is a representation of a person such as appearance and beliefs, groups of people or a place, through basic or characteristics.
This is used to describe characters quickly, relying on existing audience recognition.
Hybrid media is the strategic use of traditional and new media to communicate your message in a more effective way.
Codes and conventions are defining the genre and set up audience expectations e.g. fiction.
Mise-en-scène- are things included in the scene and how it is staged. In addition, these are setting, props, costumes, lightning and characters. 
Music Videos

Extension of income- to get people in artist and record label.

Popular music genres
Teen pop
Dream Pop
Pop, Rock
Pop Punk

In this report I will be covering the purposes of music videos and how they have changed over time. In addition, how people consumer media videos in today’s society to increase the income for the record label. How music videos are used to promote songs, artists a change of musical direction. 

Main Body 
In this section I will talk about how videos have increased the income for a record company
People consume music videos online on YouTube. This has changed over the past years since the Internet was created. As YouTube is still a common popular app to watch music videos on. 

How music videos help to promote a song? 
Music videos help to promote a song by making the music video powerful to the audience by watching the video as this attracts the audience to listen and download the song. In addition, this is shown if the artists or bands clothes are different and unique. 

Ed Sheeran has his own record label Warner Music Group, and Atlantic Records.  In addition, the 2014 song thinking out loud music video helps to promote the song as the audience were engaged with the song dancing.  As Ed Sheeran and the dancer Brittany Cherry were expressing in recoverable in new thoughts dancing together as one makes the audience want to dance and to understand the message behind it as it is entertaining, romantic and to promote the artist. 

The music video can be used to promote the album, as one of their popular songs is Fake love, which is very popular and has a music video. To produce a music video that is creates a visual representation to the audience.

The BTS album love yourself Tear the music video for music video Fake love promotes the album by attracting the target audience to watch the music video as the music video are busting impressive dance moves the setting is industrial atmosphere as their surrounding crumbles explode around them. 

In addition, as the music video is entertaining the audience with the story behind the song. The music video was different unique, colourful the boys were dancing in sync with the same dances moves. Furthermore, the BTS boys were in a different visual image setting as the song progressed the music video was colourful and bright 
Moreover, music videos can help promote a song by collaborating with other musicians as if it was a popular musician a new target audience would watch it. 

How a music video can be used to promote an album?  
To gain single sales the songs in the album to the target audience 
Music videos can promote the new artist such as if it was a new artist working another normal existing artist they would get credit for it, for being apart of the song this is shown Nick Jonas and Robin Schulz Right Now because Nick Jonas is a poplar artist with his music videos and songs. 

Music videos entertain the audience to watch the music video repeatedly to re-play the video. The music video is upbeat and fun and connects with Nick Jonas is singing as it is pop music which a lot of the target audience enjoy. 
As the music video can be visually colourful which interacts with the target audience to convey the meaning of the story, which can relate the album such as if, the symbol of the album was in the music video. 

Synergy with another media sector (film, television programme)
A synergy with another media text in a film is happy the song Pharrell Williams as it was in the film Despicable Me 2 which was released 28thof June 2013.  This helped the film as it promotes Pharrell album, makes the target audience dance to the song and sing along.  In addition, the minion’s movie is adorable, funny and colourful to watch as this interacts with the song and target audience.  It makes the film, energetic and fun to watch and enjoy the film

A new artists or promotion of an artists change in musical direction or image would be Taylor Swift.
As her music before was teen love stories, high school based on romance and life being a teenager.  In addition, her music before was also county and love stories. Now her music in 2017 is pop and upbeat and dramatic.  


In conclusion people watch and consume music videos on YouTube. Moreover, the purpose of music videos to entertain and promote the artists, how music videos can help promote a song and album by collaborating with other musicians as if it was a popular musician a new target audience would watch it. 


Semiotics Homework

1 The two Linguistic Philosophers the semiotics developed from De Saussure and Pierce. 
 2 The French "Structuralist" developed the media concept is Rolland Barthes
3a Describing the text is called Semiotics a method of analysis of media text 
3b Myths and associations with the text is called connotation starting point for image analysis.
4. The quest at the heart of the semiotic approach 
6. The word given to open texts is Polysemic 

10a Dominant- when the reader accepts the full preferred reading offered by the text
10b. Negotiated- where the content of the message is adapted to fit the specific social condition of
the reader to produce a new meaning.
10c. Op-positional where the dominant reading is contested and a reading which opposes it is
11 How media texts speak to an audience is known as 
11a. This is applied to films and television 
Films - impersonal, audience rarely acknowledged. Spectator placed in privileged position of often
knowing more than the characters. Audience addressed indirectly through narrative viewpoints.

Television - personal, direct address to viewer who is acknowledged. works to attract our attention
because viewing can be casual, texts such as News, soaps, sitcoms refuse resolution
12 Male Gaze- male. Camera
shots and editing combine to represent women as objects of the controlling male gaze. The audience
are stitched in to ‘sexist’ positions as though they are ‘natural’ ways of perceiving reality.

Homework 5
What is the purpose of the following planning documents


Treatment is what the audience will hear and see on the screen in the music videos 
Storyboard is the plan of your music video I will be making
Call Sheet is the information about where your music video will be like address, the artists that will be in the music video like songs, celebrities. Equipment booking that I will use from the college. In addition, the props and costumes the artists will wear. 

Homework Week 2 

Technological Convergence  as technology changes, different technological system sometimes evolve toward performing similar tasks.

Pre-production is the process of fixing some  in a film, play, or other performance. 

production process to the stages to complete a media product, from the idea to the final master copy. The process can apply to any type of media production including film, video, television and audio recording.

Post- Production the editing of raw footage to cut scenes, insert transition effects, working with voice and sound actorsPost-production is the third and final step in film creation.

Distributionis the delivery of media content such as audio, video, software and video games.

Exhibition- is when the audience consumed the products

Access- it is how different people uses digital devices, websites, brodcast

devices: Are used to access digital media. These include mobile phones, laptops, MP3 player, ipod, MP4 players, games consoles, handheld devices ,radio and tablets.

Cross media synergy
- the term used to describe a situation where different entities cooperate advantageously for a final outcome and operating across different media.

 Synergy- often, digital media sectors do not exist independently. They often overlap and are connected.

Music video, products and movies.

Week 4

Active Viewing- To consume a media text to fulfills our own needs.

Passive Viewing- We blindly accept what we are given/ told.

Group Consumption-  is the sum of information and entertainment media is taken in a group.

Target Audience- a specific group of people within the target market at which a product or the marketing message of a product is aimed at.

Generated Media Content- is by users on social media platforms on the internet 

 Monday 30th October 

Audience statistics: when facts and figures are collected on things like circulation, webstie "hits", box office figures, ratings, sales, etc 

Primary Research: research- that is conducted first-hand ( questionnaires, focus groups, interviews, etc)

Secondary Research- "second-hand" research conducted by using existing primary research information (books, magazines, internet, etc.)

Qualitative Research: measuring individual opinions, attitudes, behaviour and the psychology behind the choices people make.

Quantitative Research: to measure responses in quantifiable terms (how much, how many using numerical data

An objective question is one that aims towards a fact, an objective reality that is not subject to interpretation.

subjective question reaches for a value, and always varies from person to person

Demographics A particular sector of a population
Psychographics: labels given to a particular type of person, based on their habits.

Consumer generated content-   any form of content such as video, blogs, discussion form posts, digital images, audio files, and other forms of media that was created by consumers or  and is public ally available to others consumers and end.

 How has access to digital media technology changed the way in which the audience consumes media?

As digital media has changed all around the world New and digital media have made it easier for audiences to consume certain products. The  new and digital media is evident in both the news and TV broadcasting as both are now consumed differently to before the rise of digital media. New and digital media has considerably changed the way that we consume the news. Online news means that the news is more accessible as audiences can read about it when they want. New and digital media audiences as the news is more accessible.

Audiences are able to read the news on a smart phone, as they can carry the news around with them. Social networking has also changed the way that audiences consume the news as people now rely on finding out about the news through social networking websites such as Facebook. The impact of new and digital media on the news benefits audiences as it makes accessing the news more convenient for them. However, it can be seen as a moral panic that people rely on technology for anything, even receiving the news.

Our generation today download movies and music such as "Netflix".

In today's use many individuals play games on a game console PlayStation, PlayStation called play store where you are able to buy games. 

Week 4

 What I learned about the hypodermic Needle Theory  is  it was the first media theory  used to explain how audiences consume media. It shows  that the audience, passively (without retaliations)  receives information media text  they do not challenge or process information. Additionally, suggests that a media text can inject ideas, values and attitudes into a passive audience. 

Gratification Theory is we are active to consumer of media to consume any media product. It is important to understand mass communication. The gratification theory holds the audience are responsible for choosing media to meet their needs a model of communications suggesting that an intended message is directly received and  accepted by the receiver.Audiences can select media texts that best suit their needs/ audiences choose to watch programmers that make them feel good or give information.

Uses of Gratification Theory 

Education information e.g moodle, education websites, BBC's website
Needs of Identity e.g social media, Snapchat, Whats app, Facebook 
Entertainment e.g  TV, Netflix, music 

What is the difference between a Primary and Secondary audience? Give an example of each.

Primary Audience- The main target audience of a product. Example magazines, games, bbc radio

Secondary Audience- Any consumers that are outside the primary target audience. Example journals, internet

Week 5

Why is it important to have regulation in the media industry?

Media regulation is the control regulations are instructions about the structure, conduct or content of the media. The legal system provides an important category of formal regulation for media. Legal requirements help to regulate the media include prohibitions against libel and defamation, laws protecting privacy, laws concerning intellectual property rights, and prohibitions against incitement to violence or racial hatred.
Regulatory organisations  are essential in order to make sure that the media industries do not overstep the mark or break any laws, if they do, are held to account by members of the public.
Regulators ensure that the media isn’t offending anyone or doing anything unfair they ensure that laws are being followed. They give the public somewhere to complain to.

The film poster I chose was Justice League. The denotations would be I see five superhero's who are are tuff, leaders, strong. The connotation I associate with this image is its about superhero's saving the world, saving people and caring about destroying villains.
The Mise en scene like the costumes as they are colourful beautiful material as it is so real the costumes cover  most everyones faces to hide their identify. Hair wonder woman hair is curly, has lots of layers suits her face.  Make up would be on a wonder woman to bring out her skin but as they did not put too much.

Written codes would be the headline as their superheros as we need them to save us as you cant the save the world alone as it is very inspiring to the audience. The style is beautiful as it is showing everyone all the superhero's symbol as you cant save the world without them.

Body Langague
Clear voice
Eye Contact
Formal Lanagaue
Avoid Slang
Create a story
Counter Agreements
Visual aids

Body Language techniques
Movement, posture, and gesture neutral, open, defined, strong

Dealing with objects and technology be prepared and don't fumble
Facial expressions audience members depend upon your facial expressions to argument meaning
Eye Contact- connect with your audience


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